Our Betty Girl… Bubby Girl… Bett-zilla… Bett-Girl… Turtle… Little Cow… Cutie Shoes… Little Bub Girl… Our Baby Love…

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Born August 03, 2015 – Passed February 24, 2016


You came into our lives October 31, 2015

You came into our lives in a whirlwind of white fluff and a coal black sploge of a tail. Big ears and all, your personality never for a moment shrank; it grew until it filled every corner of your furever home with YOU. We named you Queen Betty of Burlington, because right from the get go… you ruled this roost and owned every heart under its roof. There’s not one place in the house that I can’t look and not have seen you. Whether it was lying cuddled on the couch next to your dad, or giving your little paw scratch because you wanted up or sitting beside Fred on the kitchen rug waiting for treats to come your way all cut into little Betty-sized pieces. How you figured out there was secret food on the spoons in the dishwasher and tried to climb in for that little extra treat every night. At least you would always remember to wash the dishes. Looking at you, looking at me with your cute little snapping turtle face, black lipstick and all. To sitting in the bathroom being watched by you or let’s be honest… watching you climbing into our pants while we were “sitting” in the bathroom because no room was off-limits to you. Snoring in your house, bouncing up to have a snuffle and see where we all were and only being happy when I’d reach over and caress your little head and feel your prickly face and warm tongue before you’d curl back up in your bed… Pouncing on Fred and stealing all the toys from him and then giving him a kiss or ten when he growled at you. No one was immune to your sweet face and your beautiful eyes. You could get a treat from the stingiest of person with one look. The cookie and muffin thief, the puppa-treats with us both having to say, “Last one… last one…” and then pretend to be a Blackjack dealer with a shake of our empty hands for you to believe us after gently taking the last treat given to you, it was never a rush with you Bubby Girl… You knew we’d always give you more. From the piddle puddles on the rugs, in the office, or out in the lanai, the more than occasional poop too (we know we failed at house training you)… we may have grumbled but we really didn’t mind cleaning up after you. Your little face peeking from behind the mesh on your crate as you waited for dinner to be done and you could be freeeee! Or your little face peeking from under anything you’d fit beneath, so sweet. From the cats being chased all over the house and then muckled and licked until their fur was soaked with Betty-kisses… To me pulling up in front of the house to see you and Fred in the door, sitting waiting for me and my heart bursting with instant love, so happy to be back home with my little family. Your dad getting you all revved up so you’d bounce up and down against the door just waiting to muckle me and get all tangled in my feet because you were filled with excitement. To our daily walks and how you hated your harness and would slide all around the living room trying to get it off until the door opened and you raced out to have a proper walk, pulling me along the entire way down the street with your lolling tongue and happy, smiling face… checking out the new smells and sights along the way. Barking at everyone and everything, even the huge Rottweiler – nothing was too big for our Bett-Girl to keep us safe from. Your ear piercing bark and your snuffly kisses, your little snores beside my side of the bed and your silly happy noises when morning came because you knew it was a new day and a belly rub was on its way. Your bum in my face and your stinky pants puppy farts. Your crazy-time, nut nut running around the house and the backyard, bursting with speed and full of life and love. You have stolen my heart and yours dad’s too from the very moment I found you. You have shown me just how hard it is to lose your unconditional love. You will always be my Bubby Girl… my Bett-Girl, my Little Love. You will always be your dad’s Little Cow… His Cutie Shoes, His Little Love too. The house is so quiet, it’s all so wrong. I wished I could have loved you back to life when I saw you today. I whispered in your ear as I kissed your little face so you’d know I was there. I swear that’s how strong my love for you feels; as if it was truly enough for me and you and that it was enough to fill you up with life and love again too. You were missed the moment we dropped you off because your life force and energy filled us with the joy of being the people who got to love and care for you… and you’ll be missed every day of my life until we get to cuddle and snuggle and snog again. Find my Dad, he’ll cuddle you for me and find the Mow… I told them about you. Be nice to the Mow, he can be grumpy at times and run Bubby Girl… run, run, run… Nothing can hold you back or stop you now… you’re forever free my Little Love.

You are forever wrapped in our undying love. You are our baby girl forever…

Thank you for blessing us with your unconditional love, we too are forever yours…

Be in peace our Bubby Girl… Love your Mom and Dad,
your Fred, MistyGirl, MellyBean and BooBoo


Our Betty passed away during a routine laparoscopic spay which was less invasive and was said to have a better healing time… My husband looked it up and the odds that anything would go wrong with this procedure were 500 to 1… Sadly, we are that 1… as they finished putting the last sutures in she started to hyperventilate and her heart stopped. They tried to save her and gave her meds but her heart never beat again at all, she was just gone. She may have had a reaction to the anesthesia, we have no idea. She passed at 11:25am while she was sleeping, she just never woke up. We had her since October 31st, she was born August 3rd, 2015… In that short amount of time she stole our hearts and we are just devastated by her loss. It’s so surreal, I keep thinking I will wake up from a bad dream and I keep looking for her… the house is so quiet. It’s all so wrong. Pet Angels has her now and I will go see her tomorrow (02/25/16) at 12:30, I have to see her again one more time and tell her I love her and kiss her and feel her prickly face on my lips… and then she’ll be cremated. My only thought is she went to sleep and was in no pain. I’d give anything to have her back with us… we are just devastated beyond words. She was only 6 months old…

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