Rainbows in the Garden

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So we are going to plant a garden in the front of the house, in the center of the lawn as a tribute to our Betty. It’s Si’s idea, he told me about what he wanted to do two days ago, but everything has been a bit surreal and out of context for me and at first I didn’t want to do it, because everything was too raw and fresh. It still is… one stray thought and I am in tears all over again. I truly can’t believe she’s gone… she’s only been gone since this past Wednesday. It’s just too soon to want to care about anything but my Bubby Girl and how much I miss her. I don’t like the sun right now, because she’s missing out on these warm sun rays. She loved the sun and its warmth so much, so thoughts of a garden she couldn’t enjoy but was in her memory just didn’t seem right at the moment.

Yesterday we had stopped into Home Depot to pick up some screws, such a random, normal thing to do but I feel like I am on auto-pilot still. So we took a walk through the garden department and out of the corner of my eye there was this Bougainvillea climbing plant that I spotted half way through the aisle. It had started blooming and had pink flowers already climbing up the ladder in the pot. I looked at Si and said… This is a Bubby Girl plant.


So today we went back with the truck and bought it and some other plants for around the house, but this one we planted by the pool in the back yard. It’s along the fence and it’s the first burst of color you see when you look out the sliding glass doors or step outside into the lanai… It’s perfect and fit so well in the spot we had for it.

As we were watering the Bubby Girl plant, as it’s been come to be known as, I noticed a rainbow in the spray and thought of my Bubby Girl and how her lovely little soul made my heart bloom with joy and light up with all the colors of life… like this rainbow…

So now all I hope to see are Betty’s rainbows in the garden…





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