Thinking of You… Friends along the way…

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Our friend Jessica asked if she could stop by, and when she did she brought her son with her. She wanted to see us and she had something for Fred. How sweet people are, thinking of us and of our Fred too. Knowing we not only lost Betty, but so did Fred… they had just bonded and her loss was and is confusing for him. One minute she’s here and stealing all his toys and licking his ears and the next she’s gone and the house is turned upside down and sinking into grief and Fred felt it too and still does as he mopes around the house looking for his little, playful girl friend… his side kick… his friend.


Jessica and her son arrived with gifts, not only for Fred, but a little something to make us each smile and take our minds off the sadness of the days just past, even for a moment. Fred got a new toy (and I don’t need to say how much he loves new toys) which he quickly covered in bulldog slime leaving it soaking wet. It was his way of saying, “I love it!” He loves it so much the hedgehog squeaker was broken by dinner time and it’s already had it’s first bath from all the bulldog love it’s received. It was so nice to see her son and Fred playing, Fred was happy to have this fun little kid to hang out with and we got to see Jessica. I gave him a craft book with all these neat Origami animals he could make. I asked him to make me the turtle and the dog and he said okay. I’m looking forward to getting them some day. It was such a nice day and a nice diversion from the quiet of the day to have them over for a visit and it was so thoughtful too.


We are blessed with the people we know… all of our friends who have reached out and left us notes or called simply to say they were there and thinking about us… and our Betty Girl too. Thank you… and May the Force be with You too, Jessica❣ You brightened up our day.


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